He's Changed the History of Eurasia, but his Name is not Well-known.


In the history of Middle East, there was one Mongolian Khan who was believed to be a Buddhist, however, later recognized as a Saint Knight in Christianity and also a Sacred Guardian by Tibetan Buddhists.

Hulegu Khan, the grandson of the famous Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan, who was also described as “the Whip of the Almighty God” for his ruthless conquest of the world, also the leader of the Mongolian Army and the Ilkhanate Empire in the Middle East as well as the Central Asia. He had crushed the capital of the sacred Islamic Khalifeh. Consequently, the center of the Islamic world had shifted to the Mamluk Empire in Egypt after the total destruction of both the capital Baghdad and Damascus. During his conquest of Aleppo and Damascus, several Crusader’s kingdoms had aligned their armies with him.

For his contribution to fighting Muslim territories back to Egypt while Christians and Crusaders got to retain the Greek Syria including cities such as Aleppo and Damascus, he was even recognized by the Eastern Orthodox Christians for being “another star, another Constantine and Saint Helena”, even “the Guardian of Christian Faith”, although he himself was a Buddhist. In fact, his mother was famous for being a Christian of Nestorian Church, a sect of the Eastern Orthodox. Because of this, he made significant anti-Islam but Christianity and Buddhism friendly policies in regions that he had conquered previously in the Middle East.

Due to his Christian/Buddhist friendly policies, many Tibetan and Uyghur monks were present at those territories that are now mostly Islamic. At the same time, the Indo-subcontinent was already being occupied by the Muslims while thousands of Buddhist monks fled to China, Tibet, Central Asia as well as other territories controlled by the Mongol Empire. Thus, they did give the highest honor they were able to offer to their glorious Khan, the Hulegu Khan along with praises to him for being a sacred guardian of their religion for fighting back the prosecution of Muslims. In fact, during his conquest on the Middle East, because he did aligned his army with several kingdoms established by the Crusaders, they were able to defend themselves from those enormous threat by neighboring Islamic regimes.

One of the most famous stories of him was written in Islamic history, which is also one of the most painful chapter of the Abbasid Caliphate, was famous for the dialogue between the Khalifa Musta’asim and the Khan. According to the fantasized Islamic history, it was divided into three parts: before the conquest of Baghdad, after the conquest and right before the death of the Khalifa.

Before the conquest, the Khalifa told the Khan, “We are the people of Allah, the Muslims, you are the filthy infidels, if you attack us, the Almighty Allah is going to punish your army by throwing fires from the sky to you.” The Khan replied: “Okay great, let us see.” The Khan sieged the Baghdad City for days before breaking into it, and then the unhalting massacre and assault lasting for more than forty days. The river turned red and the libraries collecting ancient Greek philosophy and early Chemistry were burned to ashes with millions of other books. Then the Khalifa musta’asim surrendered and was captured to prison filled with gold, jewelries and diamonds that had been collected for more than five hundred years since the establishment of Abbasid Caliphate, but no food. The Khan starved the Khalifa for days until his last breath, and came to ask him why he did not share those fortunes to his soldiers so they could fight for him with loyalty and prowess. The Khalifa replied, "that is 'Qadir Allah', which literally means the 'the order of God', for me to keep those fortune."

Then, the Hulegu Khan replied, “Okay, now I will show you my version of “Qadir Allah”. He folded the last Khalifa into a mattress, and used his seemingly immortal Calvary to stampeded him to death. At last, this spiritual leader, the God appointed man of the Muslims around the world ended up getting stepped to death by horses, and this fact did carve a scar for the Muslims around the world for thousands of years.

When the Baghdad swallowed the painful defeat and ended up aligning with the Hulegu Khan, it caused long time terror and trauma to the whole Islamic world. This went especially true when the daughters of Khalifa was believed to be turned into sex slaves and his sons were kept hostages. In fact, this ultimate punishment was indeed in a very much Islamic way.

Whether the Khan eventually chose to be a Buddhist or a Nestorian Christian was remained unclear, various historical sources have revealed that his spiritual life was greatly influenced by the Eastern Christianity and his son was raised as a Christian.


2017-01-25 海外观察第一站 世界华人周刊











蒙哥决定亲自攻城,他让士兵在钓鱼城东门对面的脑顶坪上建一个瞭望台,以便他亲自观察城内情况,指挥攻城。但是他万万没想到这个距离正好是在城中石炮范围之内。当城台建好之后,蒙哥登了上去,开始观察城内的部署情况。这也是命中注定了,城内就只打了一炮,圆石正好向他砸来,幸好他躲得快,"为炮风所震",只是被刮伤,但水土不服,加上又急又气,再又受了一伤,蒙哥病倒了,只能撤退,"遂班师至愁军山",病情加重,在他病倒的第六天后,终于伤重而亡。在临死,他还念念不忘留下遗嘱: “不讳之后,若克此城,当尽屠之。”









Last Updated: 10/13/2019, 5:05:58 AM